Living Love is a free fall into Life, not into an "idea" about life...
You feel it as an intimate closeness with all existence, a true connection with what IS...
It has no conditions to fulfill. She is not far away waiting for you to deserve her. It's been here for a long time. You don't need to be better, more successful, more "spiritual" ... He doesn't wait for a change in circumstances. This is just an endless illusion of the mind and its endless desires and conditions to be fulfilled...And you are just passing the obvious. What You Really Desire. You don't live even if you think so. You don't love even if you think you do...
Open yourself to Living Love and you will know that it IS eternal...without beginning, without end...
Open yourself to Living Love and you will know that even in the midst of challenging situations, you can feel peace and act from it.
Open yourself to Living Love and you will find that many things that seemed "unpleasant" to you no longer affect you and you can let them be and go your own way.
When you let Living Love flow through you, you are not afraid of life, death, or confrontation...And that's what it's about....You really Live...You really love, without conditions...
Doreán/Living Love