I dance the dance of Being. A balanced dance between Spirit and matter, between form and space.

The "dance" with matter is always accompanied more or less by a feeling of inadequacy, no matter what you do, because it is deprived of the infinite dimension of the Spirit. The "dance" of Spirit with the denial of matter is the same.

Dance with matter and Spirit, dance between them, in harmony with both and enjoy the Dance of Being...

The Dance of Being will bring you ever-lasting quiet joy instead of short-term pleasure...

In the Dance of Being you feel enthusiasm instead of wanting...

In the Dance of Being you see and perceive Beauty...

Dance the Dance of Being in all life's circumstances, but always be aware of them...

...so you can fulfill your desires without being touched...

...you can let everything that life brings come to you, you know that what's supposed to stay stays, what doesn't, goes anyway...

The dance of Being is pure Presence.

In the Dance of Being you clearly see things as they are. You don't deny anything, you don't write about anything.

In the Dance of Being, you have a clear opinion and no need to defend it.

In the Dance of Being, the need to prove something disappears...

In the Dance of Being you hold on to nothing and reject nothing.

The Dance of Being is the Present Moment...

...so don't cling to passing circumstances and passing events, they have already given you what they should have given you.

Don't hold on to the past, past circumstances, just take the pure experience itself.

The dance of Being is striving without effort...

The dance of Being is Freedom, not talk of freedom.

Dance of Being you can start dancing right now.

Don't put anything off.

Don't wait for anything anymore.

Don't look for anything anymore, just dance the Dance of Being, even if you may not know it yet, you already have everything anyway..Try it.
Doreán/Dance of Being
