When I allow myself to be myself without question, just Being... shines Living beauty...
You can't achieve living beauty with anything, you can't get it with anything. It is your true nature, masked only by your ideas about yourself.
Living beauty is not subject to time, it is Alive, always Present..., you cannot lose it...
Living beauty is not subject to evaluation, you cannot degrade it. Living beauty does not rise, it just quietly Is. Invisible but all-pervading, both giving and receiving. In balance and harmony with everything.
Living beauty It is whole, filled, complete... Discover it, you will feel deep calm and peace.
Through Living Beauty shines the limitlessness of your own Being, Existence and is reflected in everything you create, in all your relationships...
You have it, every tree has it, all nature has it, every work of art created by the heart, Existence has it...
Doreán/Living beauty